If you are an Amazon Seller, you should be very concerned about the feedback you receive on the items you sell. The better your feedback and ratings, the more likely people are to purchase your inventory. Additionally, the more positive reviews you have, the more people will trust what you have to sell. Essentially, the more 4 and 5-star reviews you receive, chances are, the more your business will expand. 3-star reviews are neutral feedback, and, rather obviously, 2 and 1-star reviews are considered negative feedback.
To get a clearer picture of exactly how your feedback has changed or stayed the same over time, you should access the Amazon Feedback Manager, which provides you with insights into your business sales and feedback. There are two tables in the Feedback Manager, including the Feedback Rating table, which displays your feedback rating for the past 12 months, as well as your percentages and corresponding feedback counts for 30 days, 90 days, 365 days, and a lifetime. The Recent Feedback table, on the other hand, is ordered by the date when feedback was received and displays actual feedback with the associated rating and Order ID.
The Recent Feedback table allows you to view feedback comments, post a public reply, request removal of incorrect, untrue, or irrelevant feedback (depending on the circumstance). To request feedback removal, you simply go to the feedback manager and select Request removal under the Actions column in the Recent Feedback Table.
When you gain access to your feedback information, there is a chance you may be unhappy with some of the feedback you have received. Fortunately, there are ways to improve your overall feedback rating. Some tips for improving your feedback are as follows:
- If your product takes longer to ship than promised, then you should notify buyers of any errors as soon as possible and cancel the order or product by default. You may also upgrade automatically to an expedited shipping method if you are shipping an order late. If all else fails, remove offerings that are consistently shipped late.
- If a customer complains about a complicated return, you should review and clarify any vague language of your returns policy, streamlining complex returns processes whenever you can
- If your product was not as described, you must work to provide clear images at the maximum allowed image size and provide clear, detailed, pictures and written descriptions of your product.
- If you are having customer service issues, the most important thing is that you answer every phone call and email within 24 hours.
- Do not advertise value-priced items as “high quality” if they are not, and remove any products that consistently receive negative feedback.
If you are an Amazon seller and require the assistance of an experienced Certified Public Accountant, please contact Ebiz Accounting for an initial consultation. We provide Amazon business accounting services to clients in New York and throughout the United States.