eBiz Accounting

How We Can Help You Start Your Amazon Business

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How We Can Help You Start Your Amazon Business

How We Can Help You Start Your Amazon Business

There has never been a better time than now to start a business on Amazon. In last year alone, Amazon itself, as well as various small business owners who conduct their business through Amazon have seen exponential growth. That being said, though you are most likely excited to start your business, the truth is, doing so can be quite complicated, which is why it is generally best to hire an experienced team, such as AVASK Group, to help you map out uncharted waters before getting started. For example, the first major decision you will have to make is about the type of business you will own. There are various business structures available, and depending on the goals you have for your business and your business’s needs, we can help you pick the business structure that fits your business best. Some of the most common business structures that Amazon business owners pick are as follows:

  • Sole Proprietorship: This business model is best if you are someone who is looking to be the sole owner of your business and take on all assets and liabilities of your business personally. This business model is inexpensive and leaves you as the sole decision-maker.
  • Limited Liability Company: Limited liability companies, or LLCs, are among the most common business platforms, as they allow individuals to obtain various positive tax implications while retaining the flexibility of a partnership. However, limited liability companies also have fewer restrictions to profit sharing, which is something worth considering.
  • Partnership: If you are someone who is looking to open a business with one or two other people, you will most likely start a partnership. In a partnership, you will all contribute to major business decisions.
  • S Corporations: S corporations are considered flow-through entities when it comes to tax treatment, and in most cases, S corporations will entail tax savings, business expense tax credits, and more.
  • C Corporations: C corporations are for business owners who’ve already established companies with several employees working for them. In this case, a C corporation can give this business owner a variety of benefits, including corporate tax treatment, limited liability, and will allow them to generate capital.

Contact Our Team

If you are an Amazon seller and require the assistance of an experienced Certified Public Accountant, please contact Ebiz Accounting for an initial consultation. We provide Amazon business accounting services to clients in New York and throughout the United States. All Amazon sellers should have an accountant they can trust. If you are looking to expand your business, or even form a new one, do not hesitate to reach out to our knowledgeable team today.

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