eBiz Accounting

What Are Amazon Buyer-Seller Messages? 

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What Are Amazon Buyer-Seller Messages? 

Buyer-Seller Messaging is a tool for Amazon sellers to communicate with Amazon buyers. All buyer-seller messages must be based on the order status or product information as a way to collect information to complete an order. The messaging tool is meant to be used to send critical messages. There are very strict guidelines put in place by Amazon for contacting buyers using this tool. To be sure you are not violating these guidelines, familiarize yourself with the following rules that Amazon states a message cannot include:

  • Tracking images or pixels
  • Promotions for additional products
  • Email addresses, telephone numbers, or social media information
  • Links that are not necessary to complete the order
  • Referrals to third-party products
  • Use of the word “Important” in the subject line
  • Marketing messaging
  • Emojis/GIFs
  • Images that do not relate to your brand
  • Any content that differs from the contact reason selected on the Contact Buyer page
  • Attachments except for invoices, product instructions, or warranty information
  • Language that encourages positive product reviews
  • Logos that link to your website
  • Language that manipulates seller feedback
  • A link to opt-out of messaging
  • Language that requests removal or update of an existing product review
  • Images of the purchased product
  • More than one request for a product review or seller feedback

Send emails for notifications

One of the best ways to use buyer-seller messaging if you are shipping perishable products is to send notification emails for products that need to be opened upon delivery. This feature can also be used if you have a product that has multiple child ASINs. You can use this tool to be sure that your buyer purchased the correct color or size that they were looking for. This message will be delivered immediately after the shipment arrives to ensure a positive customer experience.

Ask for feedback

The better your seller feedback score is, the better your reputation will be on Amazon. This is especially true for sellers who resell products. In order to achieve the Buy Box, you will need a high seller feedback score. Use buyer-seller messages to request seller feedback to boost your reputation. 

Request product reviews

It is important to understand that you can request product reviews from your customers. You just cannot request solely positive reviews. Requesting product reviews is a great way to boost your listing and gain more customers. Just be sure that you are not encouraging your customers to only leave positive reviews. You want to receive genuine feedback from your customers. Plus, this will avoid violating Amazon’s buyer-seller messaging guidelines.

Automated Buyer-Seller Messaging

Email automation will be your best friend when it comes to buyer-seller messaging. This will allow you to instantly communicate with your sellers at the most convenient time for them without taking away from your valuable time. Automating seller communication is key for a seamless messaging service that will satisfy your customers.

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Contact Our Team

If you are an Amazon seller and require the assistance of an experienced Certified Public Accountant, please contact Ebiz Accounting for an initial consultation. We provide Amazon business accounting services to clients in New York and throughout the United States. All Amazon sellers should have an accountant they can trust. If you are looking to expand your business, or even form a new one, do not hesitate to reach out to our knowledgeable team today.

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