eBiz Accounting

What’s up with Amazon Key?

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What’s up with Amazon Key?

Well, Amazon has a new way into your lives and that is with access to your front door. While most people would “nope” the idea, Amazon thinks that selling a smartlock and surveillance camera for deliveries will be successful. Maybe it will. With a prime member’s installation, the courier of one’s Amazon package will have the ability to enter the home and leave a package on the safer side of the door. Amazon believes that most people will agree that knowing their package is safe (and dry) can lessen the stress of waiting all day while a package is exposed to the elements and other people.

When the courier arrives, he or she will scan the barcode. The scan will send a request to Amazon. If granted, the camera will start rolling and the courier will be able to unlock the door with a quick swipe of the screen. When completed, the courier will swipe again, closing the door. At this point, the customer will get a notification that the package has been delivered with a short video of the drop off to ensure the owner that everything went as planned.

While some may consider this a little too “1984”, it is an exciting prospect for Amazon sellers that are often caught up in package delivery issues, including damaged or stolen goods. We are quite excited about this new development and look forward to new and innovative ways in which Amazon will serve customers and sellers alike.

If you are an Amazon seller and require the assistance of an experienced Certified Public Accountant, please contact Ebiz Accounting for an initial consultation. 

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