eBiz Accounting

Changes to Amazon Brand Analytics Dashboard

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Changes to Amazon Brand Analytics Dashboard

amazon brand analytics dashboard

Effective June 30, 2022, the Item Comparison and Alternate Purchase Behavior dashboard within Amazon Brand Analytics will no longer be available. This feature is available to sellers who own a brand, are internal to the brand and responsible for selling the brand in the Amazon store. It is a feature that contains valuable insights to empower Brand Owners to make informed, strategic decisions about their product portfolio and marketing/advertising activities. With that in mind, any changes to this feature can have a drastic effect on your business’s bottom line, especially when a subfeature is removed. For more information on this announcement, please continue reading, then reach out to AVASK Group today.

Why were the Item Comparison and Alternate Purchase Behavior dashboards within Amazon Brand Analytics removed?

Seller feedback and usage volume data indicated that these dashboards do not always offer impactful and actionable insights, so Amazon is exploring opportunities to add deeper customer behavior analytics in 2023. It is part of Amazon’s continued efforts to enhance the insights they offer to sellers through Amazon Brand Analytics.

Are any other Amazon Brand Analytics dashboards impacted?

Thankfully, no, no other Amazon Brand Analytics dashboards will be impacted by this decision. The user experience of Amazon’s other Brand Analytics dashboards – i.e. Amazon Search Terms, Repeat Purchase Behavior, Market Basket Analysis and Demographics – will remain the same.

How are sellers going to be impacted?

In the short-term, sellers will be at something of a loss, since not only is this subfeature not available, but its replacement has not been implemented. This could lead to you making less informed decisions and impair your ability to make a profit. It remains to be seen what the replacement will do, but in the meantime, you should reach out Timothy E. Nelson, CPA today. With his help, you will be better positioned to continue making a profit until Amazon implements its replacement. So, please give us a call.

Contact Our Team

If you are an Amazon seller and require the assistance of an experienced Certified Public Accountant, please contact Ebiz Accounting for an initial consultation. We provide Amazon business accounting services to clients in New York and throughout the United States. All Amazon sellers should have an accountant they can trust. If you are looking to expand your business, or even form a new one, do not hesitate to reach out to our knowledgeable team today.

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