eBiz Accounting

How to Optimize for Amazon Voice Search

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How to Optimize for Amazon Voice Search

Voice search is becoming more and more popular to get quick answers, complete tasks, and even make purchases.  With this new way of searching, there must be new ways for marketers to tailor their SEO to optimize for voice search. Continue reading to discover the best tips for optimizing your listings for Amazon voice search.

Utilize Long-Tail Keywords

It is more common for customers to search more specific questions using voice search than typing. Your voice search optimization should utilize long-tail keywords for this reason alone. Speaking a longer, more specific search question is easier than typing one. Voice searching will often give more context to what they are looking for as well. The best way to utilize this information is to integrate long-tail keywords into your listing’s content.

Local SEO

Smartphones search for local listing results, meaning most voice searches are likely to be local-based. Some examples of local factors include the weather, your location, traffic, your commute, local businesses, and more. These factors will help narrow down your search results for more accurate results. For example, voice searches might include questions like “Where is the closest gas station near me?” These questions are typically geared around what, where, and how-related topics.

To optimize for local SEA, you should structure your keywords around the 5 Ws, who, what, where when, and why.

Natural Speech Patterns

Individuals typically type an email or text message in a different way than they naturally speak to you. For instance, you may shorten your sentences to cut to the chase when sending a text such as “free after work to swim tonight?” instead of saying, “Are you free after work to go swimming with me tonight?” This abbreviation is different than our natural speech patterns, which will typically contain more context about your question than if you were to naturals speak it. Nature speech patterns are important to notice when optimizing for Amazon voice search. Your SEO should mirror the nuances of natural speech patterns to affect your desired search results. Use long-tail keywords to cover for the discrepancy between what people are more likely to say than they are to type.

Contact Our Team

If you are an Amazon seller and require the assistance of an experienced Certified Public Accountant, please contact Ebiz Accounting for an initial consultation. We provide Amazon business accounting services to clients in New York and throughout the United States. All Amazon sellers should have an accountant they can trust. If you are looking to expand your business, or even form a new one, do not hesitate to reach out to our knowledgeable team today.

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